Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Post #6

I just found out that Marc Antony, my husband, decided to fall on his sword and killed himself.  Rumor spread that I was dead, he heard the rumor and thought it was real and killed himself. I so very depressed that my husband is dead.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Post #5

On September 2, 31 B.C. Octavian and our ships met in Actium in Greece. There we fought the Battle of Actium on we lost the battle.

Post #4

Marc Antony has now divorced his Octavia and the world has now realised my relationship with him. Marc Antony gave away some territories of Eastern Rome to me, which was not popular among the Romans and they declared loyalty to Octavian. Our alliance with Octavian is now over and he has declared on Marc Antony and I.

Post #3

Marc Antony and I have now gotten married. He has proclaimed me the Queen of Egypt, Cyprus, Libya, and Syria.  We combined lands of Egypt and the eastern part of the Roman empire  to create our empire.

Post #2

After we, Alexandria, surrendered to Caesar in the Alexandrian War,  he decided to restore my thrown.  I am now back to my rightful place as the pharaoh of Egypt.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Post #1

The Alexandrian War has now started because my brother and his soldiers killed Pompey and Caesar was not happy with this so he took over the Egyptian palace. Then my brother's soldiers attacked Caesar with 20,000 men which officially started the war. Many people are dying and Alexandria is losing many buildings.