Monday, May 16, 2011

Post #2

After we, Alexandria, surrendered to Caesar in the Alexandrian War,  he decided to restore my thrown.  I am now back to my rightful place as the pharaoh of Egypt.


  1. Friend Request: My name is Recklessus. I am a Julius Caesar's soldier. My leader, Julius Ceasar and you were lovers. He restored your position. And you and my leader also had a baby, Ptolemy Caesar. I taught him how to fight before he was killed by Octavian.

    Ciccone, Karl. "Julius Caesar and Cleopatra". Suite 101,, 17 May 2011.

  2. Description: This secondary source provides information about the relationship between Julius Caesar and Cleopatra the VII.

  3. Friend Request: Recklessus accepted.

  4. Rightful place? Yea Right! Women should not have that much power, they simply cannot handle it.

  5. Women should have just as much power as men should. Women are just as capable of handling and making good, if not better, decisions as men are. If anything women are better and handling pressure of being a leader than men are.
