Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Post #6

I just found out that Marc Antony, my husband, decided to fall on his sword and killed himself.  Rumor spread that I was dead, he heard the rumor and thought it was real and killed himself. I so very depressed that my husband is dead.


  1. You are my idol. You are powerful, smart, kind, and strong. You can make it through anything. You were a wonderful wife to him and I am sure that he is waiting for you right now. May Mercury grant you safe passage when your time comes.

    Ptolemaic Dynasty. Tour Egypt, http://www.touregypt.net/cleopatr.htm, 17 May 2011

  2. friend request : you were a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, a family of Greek origin that ruled Egypt after Alexander the Great's death during the Hellenistic period. this was a hard task but you made it to be one of the female rulers .
    cleopatra . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleopatra_VII,

  3. Juvenal you will have to provide more information about why I should be your friend. I do not know why we should be friends.

  4. as I said before Cleopatra we were never married, we just fell in love twice, once while I was married to Fulvia other while married to Octavia. come die with me and we will be happy together where no one can find and hurt us

  5. Cleopatra, you are a strong women and will get through this. We are alike because we were both great rulers, and like you my lover died earlier than she should have. You will get through these hard times.

    Scarre, Chris. Chronicle of the Roman Emperors. London: Thames and Hudson Ltd. 1995.

  6. Marcus Antonius, we were married. Your first wife was Fulvia and she died, so you married Octavia. We had an affair and you left Octavia in Rome to live with me in Egypt. You later on divorce Octavia and married me.

    NO Author. "Cleopatra and Mark Antony." Gummie Frog,http://gummie_frog.tripod.com/Cleopatra/id2.html, 18 May 2011.

    McManus, Barbarus. "Antony, Octavihttp://www.vroma.org/~bmcmanus/antony.htmlan, Cleopatra: The End of the Republic." VRoma, 18 May 2011.

  7. Friend Request: You're my ex husband's new wife..
