Sunday, May 15, 2011

Post #1

The Alexandrian War has now started because my brother and his soldiers killed Pompey and Caesar was not happy with this so he took over the Egyptian palace. Then my brother's soldiers attacked Caesar with 20,000 men which officially started the war. Many people are dying and Alexandria is losing many buildings. 


  1. Friend Request: I Marcus Antonius would like to add you as a friend because I had an afair with you and we ruled Egypt together, then we commited suiside together, we are madly in love in a strange way.

  2. Friend Request: I Marcus Agrippa would like to add you as a friend because I am the commander that defeated you and Antony at the Battle of Actium.

  3. Friend Request: Accepted Marcus Agrippa.

  4. Friend Request/Enemy Request: I am Mark Antony's husband, Octavia. He later left me for you while I was at home caring for children.

    Octavia the Younger.

    Description: Information on my marriages including mine with Antony.

  5. Fear not, Cleopatra. I, Julius Caesar, will not be defeated. I will be successful in returning your position as pharaoh and make sure that all will be settled. I will not allow the result to be unfavorable, for I am the great Julius Caesar.

    "Caesar's Egyptian War." Livius,, 19 May 2011.
