Monday, May 16, 2011

Post #4

Marc Antony has now divorced his Octavia and the world has now realised my relationship with him. Marc Antony gave away some territories of Eastern Rome to me, which was not popular among the Romans and they declared loyalty to Octavian. Our alliance with Octavian is now over and he has declared on Marc Antony and I.


  1. I am so sorry my love to get you involved in this crazyness! I should have never had an affair with you! and I did it twice! I regret it but I dont at the same time. I am sorry we started a war but I think we will get threw it together and if we fight till death then so be it! I dont regret falling in love with you I just regret the time that it happened. (aka when I was married to Fulvia then to Octavia)

  2. I am sorry but I am going to have to defeat you. I must defend my country. Prepare to die.

  3. I hope you and Antony have a wonderful life together. I realize our marriage was only for political reasons, not love. Even though I was very loyal to Antony and even went to the extent as to send him money and such, he obviously did not love me back. I wish the best for both of you.
